Thursday, April 30, 2009

taken from nyet..

1.Org yg mencintai kamu x pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yg dia tahu di hati & matanya hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.

2.Wlaupun kamu dah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia x peduli! Bgnya yg pnting kamu bahagia & kamu ttp mnjadi impiannya.

3.Org yg mncintai kamu sllu mnerima kamu apa adanya, di hati & matanya kamu sllu yg trcantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa brt bdn kamu sudah brtambah.

4.Org yg mncintai kamu sllu ingin tahu ttg apa sj yg kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.

5.Orang yg mncintai kamu akn mngirimkn SMS spt 'selamat pagi','selamat hari minggu', 'selamat tidur', 'take care', & lain-lain lg, walaupun kamu x mmbalas SMS-nya, krna dgn kiriman SMS itu lah dia mnytakan cintanya, dlm cara yg berbeza, bkn hanya "aku CINTA padamu", tp brselindung dengan ayat2 selain kata cinta itu.

6.Jika kamu mnymbut hari ulang tahun & kamu x mngundangnya ke majlis yg kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akn menelefon untk mngucapkan selamat atau mngirim SMS.

7.Org yg mncintai kamu akn sllu mngingat setiap kejadian yg dia lalui brsama kamu, bahkan mgkn kejadian yg kamu sendiri sdh melupakannya, krna saat itu ialah sstu yg brharga untknya & saat itu, matanya pasti brkaca kerana saat brsamamu itu x brulang sllu.

8.Org yg mncintai kamu sllu mngingati setiap kata2 yg kamu ucapkn, bahkan mgkn kata2 yg kamu sndri lupa pernah mengungkapkannya. krna dia menyematkan kata2 mu di hatinya, berapa byk kata2 penuh harapan yg kau tuturkn pdnya, & akhirnya kau musnahkan? pasti kau lupa, ttp bukan org yg mncintai kamu.

9.Org yg mncintai kamu akn bljar mnggemari lagu2 kegemaran kamu, bahkan mgkn mminjam CD milik kamu, krn dia ingin tahu apa kgemaran kamu - kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, wlupn sukar mminati kesukaan kamu, tp akhirnya dia brjaya.

10.Kalau kali terakhir kalian brtemu kamu mgkn sdg sakit, selesema, atau batuk2, dia akan sntsa mngirim SMS atau menelefon untk brtanya keadaan kamu -krna dia bmbangkn ttg kamu, peduli ttg kamu.

11.Jk kamu mngatakn akn mnghadpi ujian atau hari2 penting, dia akn mnanyakn bila ujian itu brlangsung, & saat hariya tiba dia akan mngirimkan SMS 'good luck' utk memberi semangat kepada kamu.

12.Org yg mncintai kamu akn mmberikn suatu brg miliknya yg mgkn buat kamu itu ialah sstu yg biasa, ttp bagiya brg itu sgt istimewa.

13.Org yg mncintai kamu akan trdiam sesaat, ktka sdg brcakap di telefon dgn kamu, sehingga kamu mnjadi bingung. Sbnrnya saat itu dia merasa sgt gugup krna kamu tlh mnggegarkn dunianya.

14.Org yg mncintai kamu sllu ingin brada di dekat kamu & ingin mnghabiskn hari2nya hnya dgn kamu.

15.Jk suatu saat kamu hrus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sntsa mmberikan nsht agar kamu waspada dgn prsekitarn yg blh mmbawa pengaruh buruk kpd kamu & jauh dihatiya dia benar2 takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dgr 'jauh dimata, jauh dihati?'

16.Org yg mncintai kamu brtindak lbh spt saudara drpd spti sorg kekasih.

17.Org yg mncintai kamu sering melakukn hal2 yg SENGAL spti mnelefon kamu 100 kali dlm masa shari. Atau mngejutkan kamu di tengah malam dgn mngirim SMS. Sbnarnya ketika itu dia sdg mmikirkn kamu.

18.Org yg mncintai kamu kdg-kdg mrindukn kamu & mlakukn hal-hal yg mmbuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mngatakan tindakannya itu mmbuat kamu trganggu dia akan minta maaf & tak akan mlakuknnya lg.

19.Jika kamu mmintanya utk mngajarimu sst maka ia akn mngajarimu dgn sabar walaupun kamu mgkn prnh mengelak dr mnunaikn prmintaan kamu walau sesukar mana prmintaan mu.

20.Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akn mnghiasi sbhgian besar INBOX-nya. Dia msh mnyimpan SMS-SMS dr kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim brbulan2 atau brthn2 yg lalu. Dia jg mnyimpan surat2 kamu di tmpt khas & segala pmberian kamu mnjadi benda2 brharga buatnya.

21.Dn jk kamu cuba mnjauhkn dr drpdnya atau mmberi reaksi mnolaknya, dia akan mnyedariya & mnghilang dr kehidupn kamu, wlupn hal itu mmbunuh hatinya kerana dia betul2 menghormati permintaan kamu...

22.Jk suatu saat kamu mrindukannya & ingin mmberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu krna sbenrnya dia x prnah mncari org lain. Dia sntsa mnunggu kamu.

23.Org yg begitu mncintaimu, x prnh memaksa kamu mmberiya sbb & alsn, wlupn hatinya mronta ingin mngetahui, krna dia x mahu kamu trbeban dgn karenahnya. Saat kau pinta dia brlalu, dia pergi tnpa mnyalahkn kamu, krna dia benar2 mengerti apa itu cinta.

taken from nyet who took from eiza who got from i dont know who..thanx..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

StoLen From Grace..

[One]Who was your last text from?
Abdul: "Sorry I was sleeping.."

[Two]Where was your default picture taken?
Dont remember..

[Three]What’s your FULL name?Puteri Tyana people calls me tya..

[Four]Your current status?
Married..?Taken by Adi Nazreen Abdul Ghaffar

[Five]What is your current mood?
in love..

[Six]How old are you?
going to be 22years old..

[Seven]If you could go back in time and change something, would you?

[Eight]What’s your favorite color(s)?

[Nine]Ever had a near death experience? an accident on 01/05/2010..

[Ten]Something you do a lot?
spending time with hubby!

[Eleven]Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
my bestfriend: nYm and miRuL..

[Twelve]Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Ng Qi Ting

[Thirteen]If you could have one super power what would it be?

[Fourteen ]What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
He woke up 1st.. Idk.. =p

[Fifteen]Favorite season?

[Sixteen]Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
yes.. =D

[Seventeen]What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
toblerone (white)

[Eighteen]What language do you speak?
mostly english but with friends it will be like what..?manglish..?lol..

[Nineteen]Describe your life in one word.

[Twenty]Do you have any tattoos?
obviously not..

[Twenty-one]Who was the last person you hung out with?

[Twenty-two]What are you thinking about right now?
Waiting for love to come.. =)

[Twenty-three]What should you be doing?
working but i'm off duty.. =D

[Twenty-four]Who was the last person that made you upset?
My hubby..

[Twenty-five]What are you listening to?
The Roots ft Cody Chestnutt - The Seed 2.0

[Twenty-six]Do you like working in the yard?
If there is no choice than yes or else it's a no of course..

[Twenty-seven]Who is with you?
My office mates.

[Twenty- eight]Do you act different around the person you like?

[Twenty- nine]What is your natural hair color?

[Thirty]Last time you were really happy?
Everytime of the day when I'm with him.. =)

[Thirty-one]Tag five people.
1. Kak Nurul
2. nYm
3. MiRuL
4. SaRah SyaRiena
5. you

Met My BesTie..

On 14th of April..
I met up with my bestie; mirul a.k.a nyet..
We met up around 10-ish..
At the same time I met with another friend; Adam..
He said to meet him in Hilton..
but he didn't specificly say Hilton kL..
I thought it was PJ Hilton
stupid right..?
Looked for mirul..
he saw the car I was in but didn't exactly saw me..
I shouted his name..
Hell I miss him..
Mirul n I are like..
"gyler rindu doe lepak ngn u.."
mirul mirul..
went drinking..
Invited mirul to have a few glasses to drink but he was in a hurry as he has another appointment with his other friends in a.c..
so, he left..
I continued drinking in bangsar with my 2 brothers and my cousin; dwen yang bengong tuh..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Too Close To Comfort

I never meant the things I said to make you cry
Can I say I'm sorry
It's hard to forget
And yes I regret all these mistakes
I don't know why you're leaving me
But I know you must have your reasons
There's tears in your eyes
I watch you as you cry but it's getting late
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out when I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know

Remember when we scratched our names into the sand
And told me you loved me
Now that I find that you've changed your mind I'm lost for words

And everything I feel for you I wrote down on one piece of paper
The one in your hand
You won't understand how much it hurts to let you go

Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out when I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know

All this time you've been telling me lies
Hidden in bags that are under your eyes
And when I asked you I knew I was right
But if you turn your back on me now when I need you most
But you chose to let me down
Down Down
Won't you think about what you're about to do to me and back down

Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out when I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort

You're pushing me out when I wanted in
Yeah Yeah Yeah
What was I just about to discover
And I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tagged By KaK NuRuL..

Four names that friends call you:
1. Puteri
2. Tyana
3. Tya
4. T
Four most important dates in your life:
1. 31/12
2. Mama 26/07
3. Mik 24/12,Mack 04/01
4. Adi 16/07
Four things you have done in the last 30 minutes:
1. Listening to music
2. BBM-ing
3. Smoking
4. Surfing the net
Four ways to be happy:
1. Spend time with family
2. Spend time with hubby
3. Spend time chilling with besties.
4. and eat..
Four gifts you would like to receive:
1. A new BB
2. A Camera
3. Beatz Headphones
4. Soft toys.. =)
Four favourite hobbies:
1. Swimming
2. BBM-ing
3. Surfing the net
4. FB-ing
Four places you want to go for vacation:
1. Japan
2. L.A
3. Paris
4. Australia
Four favourite drinks:
1. Dutch Lady Strawberry Milk
2. Pure Vanilla Ice Blended
3. Milo Ice
4. Tinge Lemon
Four things your always found in your room back home:
1. Dressing table
2. Bedroom set
3. Photo frames
4. My cat
Four favourite colours:
1. Pink
2. Black
3. Purple
4. Blue
Top four hangouts back home:
1. Living room
2. Kitchen
3. Friend's place
4. Brother's room
Top four you love so much:
1. Myself
2. Mama, Mik & Mack
3. Besties
4. The rest of The Family
Top four things special to you:
1. My Hubby
2. My Blackberry
3. My Infamous Doraemon Pocket
4. My Make-up
Top four reasons why you answered this survey:
1. My sister; Kak Nurul tagged me in her blog..
2. It is Friday
3. I am bored
4. I am seriously bored
Top four who you think will answer this survey:
1. Hubby
2. miRuL
3. NooR
4. You

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a day..

Been busy the whole day..
It's really tiring..
Following her the whole day around and settling this that I just left without saying a word where I was..
It was a hectic day..
I didn't see this coming...
I thought when I came back thing would all be done while I was away..
But looking back on what I've done..
I guess it was the wrong decision to just leave everything without finishing what I did..
At last I finishied it just now..
Even though I had to make a mess in the office but at least something was done..
Found everything and have put them in place..
Tomorrow is another day..
Will be running here and there to settle a few more thing then I'll be out for a movie with a few friends..
Finally a relax day..
Can't wait to see them all..
Mish all of them soo much..
Really have been missing all the stuff I did with them..

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hate me all you want guys..

You can hate me all you want..
either way your damn thinking of me..
talk about me all you want cuz I don't give a shit no more..
I am who I am and that is something YOU can NEVER be..
I haven't been disturbing your fucking life so back off..
It's my life and I can do whatever I want..
Why talk about me when I didn't even talk a thing about YOU..?
I know you guys HATE me..
But do you think I give a damn..?