Tagged By KaK NuRuL..
Four names that friends call you:
1. Puteri
2. Tyana
3. Tya
4. T
Four most important dates in your life:
1. 31/12
2. Mama 26/07
3. Mik 24/12,Mack 04/01
4. Adi 16/07
Four things you have done in the last 30 minutes:
1. Listening to music
2. BBM-ing
3. Smoking
4. Surfing the net
Four ways to be happy:
1. Spend time with family
2. Spend time with hubby
3. Spend time chilling with besties.
4. Eat..eat and eat..
Four gifts you would like to receive:
1. A new BB
2. A Camera
3. Beatz Headphones
4. Soft toys.. =)
Four favourite hobbies:
1. Swimming
2. BBM-ing
3. Surfing the net
4. FB-ing
Four places you want to go for vacation:
1. Japan
2. L.A
3. Paris
4. Australia
Four favourite drinks:
1. Dutch Lady Strawberry Milk
2. Pure Vanilla Ice Blended
3. Milo Ice
4. Tinge Lemon
Four things your always found in your room back home:
1. Dressing table
2. Bedroom set
3. Photo frames
4. My cat
Four favourite colours:
1. Pink
2. Black
3. Purple
4. Blue
Top four hangouts back home:
1. Living room
2. Kitchen
3. Friend's place
4. Brother's room
Top four you love so much:
1. Myself
2. Mama, Mik & Mack
3. Besties
4. The rest of The Family
Top four things special to you:
1. My Hubby
2. My Blackberry
3. My Infamous Doraemon Pocket
4. My Make-up
Top four reasons why you answered this survey:
1. My sister; Kak Nurul tagged me in her blog..
2. It is Friday
3. I am bored
4. I am seriously bored
Top four who you think will answer this survey:
1. Hubby
2. miRuL
3. NooR
4. You
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